womens health clinic in Cheshire

World Menopause Month 2024

October is World Menopause Month with World Menopause Day being recognised internationally on Monday 18th October 2024.

Women are estimated to make up 49.76% of the population so if you don’t have the biological capability to go through the menopause yourself, you are bound to know and be close to someone who will experience this transition in their life. 

Let’s talk about the menopause

Advances in medical science mean we can all expect to live longer, and as a result the prospect of the menopause and the changes that women will experience in this time of mid life are finally being brought to the world’s attention. Menopause has always existed but previous generations of women have not been as vocal about the symptoms they face and how these can impact their lives.

Women are now finally speaking out and demanding that they be heard, which is not only a good thing for women and girls, but ultimately is a good thing for society in general. As women become more vocal about the changes that they can expect to see in mid life, it allows for everyone to be more understanding and can also help men to be aware of these changes and what they should expect.

Perimenopause symptoms

As we raise awareness of the menopause we must not forget that the menopause is essentially one day of a woman’s life which is marked by her periods stopping. Once a woman has not menstruated for twelve months she is officially in the menopause. Before the menopause there is a whole range of symptoms that women may experience as they transition through the perimenopause. 

A woman will be in perimenopause for an average of four years. Some women will experience a range of symptoms in this time and some women will breeze through this period without so much as a hot sweat.

For many women the changes experienced happen at what can already be a challenging time in their life. Children, ageing parents, relationships, career and financial commitments may already take up a good part of your life at this time, to add the symptoms of perimenopause can make the journey even more challenging.

Women’s health solutions in Cheshire

With life challenges and a myriad of bodily symptoms to deal with, it can be even more difficult for women as they notice changes to their skin health and how the ageing process is beginning to change how they look and feel about themselves.

At Kast Medical Aesthetics in Cheshire we have helped many of our female patients by offering them skin care solutions to help improve their outlook around ageing. 

We don’t just offer anti-ageing injectable aesthetic treatments, but we can also help women diagnose solutions to their problems with medical blood testing. We are also able to prescribe treatments that can help with weight gain, which many women will experience as they transition through mid life.

If you want to know how we can help with women’s health concerns at our clinic in Cheshire please contact us or book in for consultation with one of our friendly, medically qualified team members who can help you to find ways to embrace perimenopause, the menopause and beyond.